Preparing Students For Success In A Changing World. Welcome to Kuruom Vidyalaya Underlie of school – 25th January 2003 by Professor Ram Achal Singh (Vice chancellor of Awadh university) in pride presentation of Dr.Balram Singh, Mr.Rajesh Singh, Mr.Gajraj Singh, Our Co-operative Body – Mr.Rajesh Singh, Dr.Bajrang Singh, Dr.V.D.Mishra and Start of Educational Session – 20 july 2009 from K.G. Section to 8th (now it is running up to 10th & each has two section). Kuruom Vidyalaya (kuruom is derived from the village, korown) will be for co-ade at the level of grades primary to junior high school, as that is the greatest need in the village area. Kuruom Vidyalaya will have all the modern facilities to study sciences, maths, computer, languages, music etc. in addition, it will provide experiences in extra curricular activities, such as sports, horseback riding, archery, yoga etc. The school is spread over an area of 4 acres and is located on Sultanpur to Faizabad (Ayodhya) Road at a distance of just 20 km. from Sultanpur. and then Kurebhar-Dhanpatganj Road, From the road turn in left side approx 5 Km. meter from Kuruom Vidyalaya branch. Kuroum vidyalaya is not a religious school per se; although the majority of Indians are Hindu, it welcomes students and hires staff that are Muslim and other faiths. It does, however, follow the Hindu practice of dharma, “a righteous way of being.” Singh said, “In India, we worship all living things. and we don’t expect to receive anything in return but respect. I want students to learn about sustainability, to learn to protect the environment. This is dharma. So, in this respect, the school is religious.” In Korown, an Uttar Pradesh India farming village where little has changed for hundreds of years, a 21st century school opened its doors for the first time in July to 100 girls and boys in grades 1-4, 6, and 7. Kuruom vidyalaya is the bricks-and-mortar embodiment of the Hindu goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, and testimony to one man’s spirit and commitment.
At The Kuruom School, we believe in building leadership skills by developing each child's individuality and discovering their potential. Leadership programmes at the school help to make children confident and ready for challenges.These programmes focus at making children independent decisions makers and problem solver and developing emotional intelligence. Children are taught to be lifelong learners so that they can adapt creatively for meeting the demands of the future. We impart 21st century skills and encourage them to be flexible in their thinking so that they know how to keep learning continually throughout their life. We believe that change is constant. Things relevant today may not be so in the future. Hence we are committed to constant innovation in our educational programmes to keep pace with changing realities. Student Should be taught to understand scientific concepts rather than memorizing formulas and figures. On this basic theme a teacher’s workshop was organized by Kuruom vidyalaya on 3rd March, 2017 in the direction of Dr. Shradha Anand, Product manager of Madhuban Publications. The goal of these trainings was to enable teachers to be sufficiently prepared, confident and competent in making full use of the benefits of these wonderful facilities in and out of the classroom. For technology integration to be successful, teachers need to make informed choices relating to pedagogical approach, students’ needs and learning objectives.Why Choose Us?
Some Photos Of Kuruom